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week in review 5-27

May 27, 2012

Things are picking up a little!

  1. Peppers are still not ripe enough to have much flavor. I shouldn’t have picked the one I did, but I was desperate for a pepper. In that chartreuse condition, it didn’t make much of a contribution to the recipe and I should have left it alone.
  2. Got my first Black Krim tomatoes. They kind of blend in with the countertop, but they are there on Thursday and Friday. The flavor is very mellow, not much acidity at all. I’m taking a couple of these plants to my dad, but don’t think they’re going to evoke memories of his childhood tomatoes. His happy recollections are mostly about the acid bite. They do make good BLTs, and one slice covers a whole piece of bread.
  3. Still not enough green beans to do anything with except for a raw snack. These are all off of one vine, that I started very early. The other vines are not producing anything yet, but have lots of blossoms, so maybe starting really early is not the way to go. Already I’m pretty convinced that the pole beans are going to do better for me than bush.
  4. Used the chard for an egg bake. Yummy.
  5. All the squash plants are plagued with powdery mildew. This hasn’t been a problem in the past, but it’s been really humid this year. Need to find out if I can safely compost the mildewed leaves or if that will just preserve the spores for next year.
  6. Grilled zucchini, stir-fried zucchini, zucchini casserole, and zucchini bread. The last one was a hit with the Spouse, but I’m too weak-willed to keep baked goods in the house…I could end up the size of said house very easily.
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